The Greatest Pursuit

Nov 02, 2023

Pursuit within our High-Performance ecosystem is the pursuit of our Purpose. This reflected in the setting and acquisition of our Goals, and in the specific skill acquisitions developed to acquire these goals.

I truly appreciate the concept of pursuit. When you consider people actively working to achieve their dreams or pursue their goals, the notion of "chasing" implies that these aspirations are continually moving away from you. I don't want my goals to constantly elude me. I want my passions and purpose to approach me, so I don't have to feel like I'm constantly running after them. Therefore, a significant focus for me is on pursuing the things we want to achieve.

As we progress, we eventually reach a point where we begin to have a clear understanding of our goals. But before we lock these in we must make time to meticulously assess and re-assess ourselves through a 360 degree analysis to ensure we have the skills required to execute an acquire these goals.

A pursuit without a well-defined goal is futile.

Extensive work on goal setting requires not only define what we want to achieve, but also a determination of the necessary steps to reach those goals. This is where our SWOT analysis comes into play, which stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. We meticulously examine the intricacies of our goals and identify the skills required for success, along with the actions needed to overcome any obstacles. 



A crucial element within your goal setting is the establishment of a timeline. We work across macro, meso, and micro timelines. For instance, in a business context, you might have an annual goal or a one- to two-year revenue target. From there, you break it down into meso goals, covering quarters, such as Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 of 2023 and extending into 2024. This process breaks down the macro goals into meso goals. Within each quarter, we have micro goals, which can relate to daily practices, sales targets, and revenue generation. We start with the big picture and break it down into manageable chunks to make steady progress.

One of the key advantages of this approach is that it accumulates wins. Winning is not the sole focus, as losing also provides valuable lessons. However, celebrating wins builds momentum, which is why I highly appreciate the macro-meso-micro methodology of goal setting.

Additionally, it's essential to combine your goals with skill acquisition, as defined by the SWOT process. This combination becomes part of your daily routine, akin to wellness routines that encompass exercise, nutrition, and sleep recovery. Similarly, your mental skills are nurtured through a daily routine that involves skill acquisition, meditation, visualization, and other practices from my vitality pillar. Integrating all these elements into your routine creates an effective daily process that propels you toward your goals.

Purpose = Pursuit. Pursuit = Analysis. Analysis = Goals & Skill Acquisitions = Timeline to Actualizing your Purpose. 

As you begin to explore the pursuit of your purpose, please access the High-Performance Tools and Templates. These will really help you to frame, delineate and re-define your pathway to achievement.


Yours in Performance


Rich Daly


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