Physiology Changes Psychology

ataraxia executive performance growth mindset high-performance leadership optimal wellness optimized metabolism performance mindset resiliance self-awareness self-confidence Nov 08, 2023

Physiology Changes Psychology

 A well-functioning body is essential for optimal mental and emotional well-being. To achieve a balance in your physiology, which includes maintaining a healthy body composition, proper nutrition, the right sleep patterns, and overall optimal metabolic health, it is crucial to have the right programs and systems in place.

These systems and structures form the foundation of a routine, and this routine is where we see all the benefits of positively manipulated physiology at their best.

Physiology is defined by wellness, and anyone engaging in a wellness program should aim to optimize their wellness as their long term Macro Goal.

Optimal wellness by definition:



Continual evolution is needed to counteract age related  regression, particularly in the age related loss of muscle mass and ensuing declination in our metabolism, we must continually evolve our routine to adapt to our age and stage to ensure optimization of your wellness. 

Physiologically I feel Optimized Wellness is a reflection of metabolism. Optimal Metabolism is defined as: 

One can optimize their wellness and metabolism through the creation of a wellness routine. The routine must include various modalities of exercise, particularly centered around resistance and weight training to increase and maintain muscle mass.

Additionally, cardiovascular conditioning is necessary to achieve positive muscle-to-fat ratios and to condition the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. This needs to be supported by the right nutrition plan tailored to your training needs and goals, which dovetails into your sleep routine. Sleep is essential in supporting the challenges of any wellness routine. Once these elements are in place, you can begin capture optimal wellness within this time and stage of your life. 

Referring back to the saying, "physiology changes psychology," it is the foundation of a routine that establishes the ability to acquire and achieve your wellness goals. As you work to reduce fat, increase muscle mass, and maintain a routine that supports your nutrition and sleep, these become achievable goals through self-discipline.

Developing self-discipline leads to increased self-esteem and self-confidence as you continually achieve your goals and improve your appearance and well-being. All of this leads to the development of a physical presence, which is the fifth action of high performance. With newfound self-esteem, self-discipline, and self-confidence, you can develop a growth mindset, where you feel that previously unachievable goals are now within your reach. Increased self-confidence allows us to manage fear and the potential of failure with increasing success, leading to further extend ourselves and out goal set. 

At Peak Pathway, we use physiology to change our psychology through the creation of the Warrior's / Warrioress mindset, known as WMS.

By definition the WMS is:

There are six definitive actions required to enable the cultivation of the WMS:

As illustrated previously, these factors are within our control through our physiology. The key factor I emphasize is the ability to embrace and adapt to discomfort. When you know something will be difficult and fear is involved, overcoming that fear and trying anyway, even if you don't achieve your initial goal, contributes to the development of the Warrior's mindset.

This mindset leads to a mental toughness, built on resilience, leadership, and self-awareness. These are valuable psychological attributes that can be developed within a controlled physiological environment. By harnessing a challenging yet supportive wellness routine with achievable goals, you can build a strong mindset that leads to positive psychology.

What I love most about physiology is that it's something everyone can control. Some may find it easier than others, and genetics may play a role, but at any age and stage, the ability to push your physical limits, strive for improvement, and embrace new challenges can lead to positive psychological outcomes.

Don't delay - I literally take a single step in your sneakers to begin a life altering transformation.

Yours in Performance


Rich Daly




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