Defining Your Purpose & Mission: Your Life's Compass

Nov 02, 2023




 The purpose for me is it's the GPS. It's the reason why we are doing what we're doing. It's our reason for our being here. It's also a measurement of our impact on the world our environment and the people around us. It refers to our legacy, future, aspirations, and ambitions. The purpose is crucial, and it's the number one high-performing action in our characteristics is purpose. People who are high performers are clear in their purpose and vision moving forward, and there's a reason why it's number one. It governs everything that we do and during our process, we're going to define your purpose.

 Purpose Defined

Purpose is the central motivating aims of your life— Your reason for being, the definition of the impact you want to have in the world, your world/community, and the legacy you leave as a result of this impact.

Purpose guides life decisions, influences behaviors, shapes goals, offers a sense of direction, and creates meaning. Our purpose is connected to meaningful, satisfying work to achieve a long-term goal that is both personally meaningful and makes a positive mark on the world. 

Purpose is the number one action of high-performing individuals, and it's the top characteristic of high achievers. It's the driving force behind everything we do. Finding your purpose is not just a how-to; it's the ultimate way behind all your actions.


Purpose is the number one action of high-performing individuals, and it's the top characteristic of high achievers. It's the driving force behind everything we do. Finding your purpose is not just a how-to; it's the ultimate way behind all your actions.


The Reflection of Values


When defining your purpose, please reflect on your values and also look to redefine these in alignment with your purpose. Generally, your Purpose will be reflected more specifically within your set of values. Moreover, values are a functional critical component to establish before the setting of goals.  The alignment of your goals and your values is very important to get maximum fulfillment and remain motivated in the process of goal acquisition.


Passion is essential for everyone. For me, I'm fortunate. My passion is my living. It's what I do for my vocation. It's not that for everybody. I've met many, many athletes who are tremendous at what they do and revered for what they do professionally, but when you get to know them, it's something they're very, very good at. It's not something that they feel most purposeful about. So in which case, that's great. Not a problem at all. You take the passions that you do have and you make sure that you can indulge in them and make that work for you as well. And for many of my athletes, they go out of their career in their sport and they go off and indulge in their passion and eventually make it their vocation, whether it be charity work or other things that they're purposeful in doing.

But to know your purpose and passions allow for either a reflection of each or a separation that brings balance to the pursuit of purpose with the indulgence of passions.


Purpose is the governance of motivation. When you have a purpose and you know where you're going to be, you know what you're going to do, it is very intrinsically motivating. The days where it's tough to rise and get out of bed, you're tired, you're sore, you're fatigued, maybe you've been working a lot, you've been traveling. Keeping that purpose front of mind is the thing that swings the legs out of the bed, and two feet hit the floor, and we're ready to go. Intrinsic motivation is, for me, important but probably the most important thing in terms of it comes from within you. It makes you want to be better. It's a real driving force. It's very, very powerful. And then we add the extrinsic motivation, the things outside of us, environmental or otherwise, that can help propel us on the tougher days or just for extra enjoyment. So that's what I feel with motivation and why I don't speak on it a great deal throughout the course is because I'm always more focused on the purpose's definition and the pursuit of that purpose.

Defining Purpose

Step one revolves around the definition of your purpose, an indispensable element that permeates all aspects of our lives. It stands as the yardstick against which we measure our influence on the world, our surroundings, and the people who hold significance in our lives. Purpose is a comprehensive and profound concept, that guides every facet of our daily choices and provides motivation. It not only fosters resilience but also instills mental fortitude, particularly during challenging times. Furthermore, it ushers in a deep sense of happiness and contentment.

Many of you may have encountered moments of introspection, pondering your fulfillment, whether in your professional or personal realms. You might have found yourselves following a predefined trajectory, characterized by successive promotions or lateral career moves, which, in turn, might have led to a sense of predictability. Such standardized routes may be suitable during our formative years, but high-achievers eventually arrive at a juncture where they must grapple with the pivotal question of purpose.

The notion of purpose is highly individual and undergoes a continuous evolution. For instance, let's delve into my journey—I've consistently been involved in coaching. My journey commenced in 1993 when I first became a cricket skills coach for an under-fourteens team. The primary objective was clear: to establish a robust foundation of skills, enhance competitive prowess, and nurture a deeper enjoyment of the sport. This initial purpose later transitioned into fitness coaching, centered on improving people's health, bolstering their confidence, and enhancing their physical appearance. Subsequently, it evolved into strength and conditioning, with an emphasis on performance optimization. The underlying theme across all these roles was the commitment to assisting individuals in addressing their weaknesses and cultivating their strengths, ultimately equipping them to be better than their competitors.

In my capacity as a CEO and company director, my purpose expanded to encompass improving the lives of a broader spectrum of individuals and elevating team performance. I also delved into organizational enhancement, concentrating on reducing stress levels and enhancing productivity across all echelons of the company, from senior leadership to the grassroots. Despite the changing titles  and roles, my purpose remained unwavering: coaching and aiding individuals, groups, or organizations in realizing their fullest potential.

Your purpose need not necessarily align exclusively with your career; it can span various facets of your life. For instance, consider a client of mine—an exceptional advertising executive, renowned for his collaborations with global brands and A-list celebrities. While he excels professionally, his true purpose revolves around being a devoted father, husband, and family-orientated individual. This clear sense of purpose in his personal life furnishes the equilibrium essential for professional success.

At the heart of your purpose lie your values, passions, and motivations—these elements steer your actions and choices. The act of pursuing your purpose ignites a fervent and unequivocal response from within, confirming that you are traversing the right path. If you have not yet pinpointed your purpose, you may find yourself in proximity to it, close but not quite at the threshold. Determining your purpose is akin to crossing a threshold and committing to actualizing your highest, true or full potential.

Furthermore, it is crucial to recognize that purpose is not a static thing; rather, it embodies an ever-evolving concept. You persistently strive for improvement, endeavoring to be better tomorrow than you are today. While this progressive nature is vital, it is equally important to pause and reflect on your accomplishments and the gratification they bestow.

If you are uncertain about your purpose, keep in mind that you already stand for something you are deeply passionate about. Begin by examining your core values and passions—these components serve as the foundation for defining your purpose, your guiding star in life.

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