Absolute Gratitude = Being Absolutely Grateful

ataraxia growth mindset high-performance leadership optimal wellness resiliance vitality Nov 23, 2023

Absolute Gratitude

This is what I start my day with every day. This is what I encourage all of my clients to do. Each and every day is always work with the things that you are grateful for, but not just grateful, absolutely grateful for. Absolute. It can be no other way. It is a full stop, end of sentence, end of paragraph.

It's not, I'm really grateful that I've got this fantastic job….but the hours suck. I'm grateful that I have this fantastic job. I'm grateful that I earn a living that I earn but….. I wish I could work from home more, or I didn't have to go into the office. No, I'm grateful that I can make this fantastic living.

Just keep it about what it is that you're grateful for.

Absolute gratitude is absolutely optimistic. It also allows you to immediately infuse positivity into whatever's going on around you. I truthfully am absolutely grateful for this opportunity to have learned the things that I've learned, to put it together in a course so I can seek out my brethren of high-performing people that maybe don't fit in the square pegs of the round halls. Because we are unique. We're not better than everybody or worse than anyone. We're just unique.

I am absolutely grateful. I'm not negative, that I haven't done this sooner in my career. I'm not upset with myself that this isn't being produced fast enough to get it to market. That's just business. I am absolutely grateful that I have developed these skills and I'm absolutely grateful for both the good and the bad that have come, that have helped me learn these skills in real life, that have wanted me to seek out fantastic people who can teach me more, and that we can continue to work together to apply this learning to be better in ourselves and know that we're not alone, that we can create magical things.

It all starts with being grateful. Absolute gratitude gives you an immediate perspective on what's good, an immediate perspective on what's good, and which is a really great place to start, particularly when trying to actualize your potential. Again, we're talking about motivation, negative, and positive motivation. Let's just connect with what's good and be positive for the moment.

That's the first place to start. It also connects you to the present. It brings you immediately in line with what's going on right here, right now. As Fat Boy Slim said, right here, right now, That's all we've got.

I always work under the assumption in my coaching for you guys that tomorrow is not promised to anybody. What we want to do, we want to do it today, be our best today. We work on the assumption there'll be a tomorrow, but if there isn't, have you done all you can today?

That’s an important factor in this, and it cannot happen without being absolutely grateful. The gratitude piece, when it's absolute, takes you up and above any victim mindsets, any behavior's that are low performing or which make you feel that you are observing more, or things that create frustration or whatever it might be that's maybe blocking you from being super. So that is number one and huge in this vitality pillar.

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